There was a lot to like about this story. Final Impact is different than the average apocalyptic story because it doesn’t deal with a virus or zombies – not that I dislike those, because I love them, it was just nice to experience a different apocalypse. With an astroid heading toward earth, a group of survivors fight to find safety. I don’t want to get into great detail about the plot because I hate spoilers, I’ll just say that it was a dark and gritty ride. The writing was good, as was the narration, and I felt like I could really envision the catastrophe these people found themselves in. My only complaint was that I didn’t really like any of the characters that much, with possibly the exception of Felicity, but that was just a personal issue and not something that would keep me from recommending the book to others. I did appreciate that the woman was the only one who had the balls to step up in the very beginning when they were trying to escape the casino (especially since a lot of male authors tend to make females who cower behind the “big, strong man”) and that’s something that makes me willing to try out more of the author’s books. Overall, a solid apocalyptic read.