? Heart shattered …

I knew there was more to our dark shadow

This episode was IDK





All kinds of white-knuckling my kindle WTH moments

Book two opens right where we left off –

Our little earth fae Aflora

Locked up -Betrayed – Cold and Alone

Trapped in a misogynistic world she doesn’t understand, being judged for a crime she didn’t commit

But like so many things in the dark fae realm –

Nothing is what it seems

This (if you can believe it) blew away the first book in this trilogy

I thought book one was intense –

This took “emotional roller coaster” to a whole new level

And the secrets? How could you?

The lies? The self-sacrifice?

Aflora stay strong – believe – under all that pain and betrayal you know the truth

Shade you can do this – you have done it before – believe

Zeph I kind of like you

Kol you are still a bit of a horse’s backside

I know I say this repetitively but it’s because it’s true

Foss has a gift. Each release she gives to her readers is an innovative story line filled with idiosyncratic characters and the most ingenious world-building

Every. Single. Time.