4.5 stars

It’s been a couple of months since I listened to the first one, but it didn’t take long for me to settle in and get sucked into the story. I think I liked this one even more than the first one. I am enjoying the humor and quests as they make their way through the level, and I also like how the relationship between Carl and Donut is developing. There are some great moments between them, including one in particular. Mordecai is also turning out to be an interesting character, and the story takes a turn in this one, I think for the better.

Another thing that I find interesting is how Carl is trying to figure out what’s going on behind the scenes in those who are running the games, and while he has to play the game that they’ve set up, he’s keeping his eye on the goal of destroying the game. I imagine he’ll pick up more tidbits in the books to come.

Oooh, and I LOVE Mongo!!! Every time Princess Donut says, “Come to Mommy!” I crack up.

The humor having to do with his lack of pants and shoes is a pretty funny schtick and while he is apparently resigned, I always like to see what they’ll come up with next. I also love the kabooms! It’s fun hearing about different ways he comes up with to try to defeat a boss or some monster.

Speaking of hearing, Jeff Hays is phenomenal as the narrator. I still can’t figure out how he does all the different voices! It definitely adds to the story and makes is so much fun. I have the kindle book as well and I sometimes read along with his narration, but of course at this point, even when I read it myself, I can hear all the voices in my head.

Such a fun series!