I love, Love, LOVE this book, and I believe that it’s now my favorite one of the 5 that I’ve listened to so far (remember, I’ve got the whole series to-date), and I still have two more books to go, before I’m caught up, so Yaaay! But, on the flipside, I only have two books left, so… Daayumm!
Ghostwater really gives Lindon a leg up in his growth towards becoming a strong magic user. Ghostwater starts out with Skysworn now utilizing Lindon’s ability as a Blackflame Warrior, and low gold magic user… And, wherever Lindon fights, so does Yerin and Ortho, the firebreathing turtle, yes I said turtle… as a partner and gold-beast!
Lindon and Ortho are separated from the rest the group, and Lindon, armed with shear grit and determination, manages to not only save himself, but drags along a wounded Ortho, escaping a fight with true golds! Even though he’s safe enough for the moment, the only way out is to go through the same said golds lying in wait guarding the exit portal! Lindon finds himself an AI, ummm, let me try that again Lindon finds himself a Magically Enhanced Artificial Intelligence, no… more like a Magically Enhanced Constuct Intelligence, yes, ‘xactly a MECI… LOL named Dross… Dross has been waiting in a magic pool for someone to talk to for over 50 years… Dross is a Hoot, and I can’t wait for you to catch up and meet him, yourself! And, did you catch that bit about the MAGIC pool… You’re gonna Need this book to find out all about the magical power of the water, and in actuality, you’re not gonna want to miss a single moment of action in this awesome book!
Travis Baldree is absolutely the right narrator to take you on this magical rollercoaster ride!