So, I happened upon the Unseelie Prince series and I positively fell in love. Kingsley does such a phenomenal job of writing morally grey characters that lean towards the darker side, but you can’t help rooting them on and wanting them. She also writes the FMC very well, which I find is often lacking in romance. They have a journey, and are often strong and independent. Her side characters also bring me joy. Both Valroy and Vlad have tugged at my heartstrings (and other bits lol). Now, as for this novel. I was fully immersed, emotionally invested, and I love both Vlad and Maxine. I love them together. I love the elements that bring them together and keep them apart. I was stressed, warmed, and felt the love. Kingsley is wonderful with pacing, dialogue, banter, TENSION (ugh that restaurant scene, and the opera scene), and world building. She pulls you into the story, but doesn’t hold your hand. I am obsessed, and it takes A LOT for me to become fully invested. Are they complex plots? No. Is it entertaining as hell and do they make me want to spend every second of my day living with those characters? YES! I’ll be reading all of Kingsley’s books. I was nervous to read a Dracula novel, because some renditions of him can be cheesy, but none of my fears came to be. I must say I was pleased that Joel used an American accent in this one. The British accent he used for TUP was stuffy and distracting at times. PLEASE NEVER STOP WRITING, KINGSLEY!