
The epilogue really pushed this story up a notch for me, I loved it! I don’t necessarily need an epilogue for every book I read, but sometimes they can be the icing on the cake, and in the case of The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings that’s exactly what it was! Don’t get me wrong, I very much enjoyed the book throughout, but there was just something special about this epilogue.

I love a good ghost story and found this one to be really entertaining. I had a feeling there was more to the story about what happened in the house, I liked how it all played out.

I thought Levi and Blue were endearing characters, especially Blue. His backstory was a heart-tugger for sure! I really liked seeing there relationship evolved, from that instant connection to something deeper.

I can’t wait to read more about these 2!

Joel Leslie once again did a wonderful job! He really pulls you into a story with his performance.