I love Jeremy Robinson books, I really do. This book though was just painful.

The neverending stream of consciousness of each of the characters’ thoughts and actions was a dredge to get through. Describing every little action each character takes and every single whimsical thought flitting through their head was absolutely unnecessary and strange. This is atypical for your typical J.Robinson book – don’t know why we were treated to this emotive, turn based RPG of a book but it was not executed in a good way. I guess some would call it “character building.” It was honestly just boring.

The voice actress for Poe did a great job, but not even the best voice could salvage that writing. It has been a long time since I’ve wanted to reach into the metaphorical pages of an audiobook and throttle a fictional character for their idiocy. Poe is probably the stupidest and most naive protagonist I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading about.

Also, if I have to listen to the narrator describe how tiny and boobless Poe was and how out of shape August was (before he apparently Pokémon evolutioned himself into a gorilla) again I’ll vomit. We get it, Poe is a smol cute chipmunk and August is a man shaped lardmuffin. Plz stop already.

I bet you’re thinking “Well if you were alone, pregnant and traumatized I bet you wouldn’t fare better!”

Um, yes. I would. Literally any responsible adult with two braincells to rub together would.

This was one of those books that made me think *I* could be a writer.

Skip this one. Go read The Last Hunter or The Order.