I’m enjoying the story so far and I like that there seems to be a budding romance starting. when I am enjoying a story the romance doesn’t have to be the focus of the story and it certainly doesn’t have to be garish and it’s telling but I do want it as a part of the stories. romance and love is a part of life and I think that any story that doesn’t at least touch upon it is missing a critical element. The last book had some hints and this one’s got a few more than that. It is in my opinion by no means the focus of the book but I’m glad to see that it’s there. As for the rest of the book I very much enjoyed it and I believe that the narrator did a fantastic job in his performance of the characters in the story. I highly recommend that if you’re still reading this review and have not bought into the series yet that you do show. As of the time of this review I believe that there are six total that are available on audio and a seventh book is panting being published on Amazon as an ebook which I imagine that the audio will follow shortly thereafter.