This book starts off action packed. Skylar wakes up in the lair of wereanimals who have been tasked to keep her safe from vampires she didn’t know existed. During her prolonged stay, she learns about herself and the wolf that resides within. When her magical ability is revealed, she must learn to be strong against manipulation and avoid getting killed by her enemies and allies.

I am giving this book 3.5 stars because I don’t understand why Chris got so much attention in Sky’s second book. I didn’t particularly care about her in the first book and Sky still has a lot of issues, no love options and I can’t stand Demetrius. I didn’t like him when he wanted to kill Sky not do I like the bargain Chris makes with him. Josh, Stephen and Sebastian are ruthless and the vampires, Fae, demons and other monsters pop up in the weirdest ways. No HEA for Skylar and time has passed making the pack bond stronger.

So now Sky has joined the pack and with the exception of Steven and Josh they don’t seem to like her. Sebastian keeps secrets and as alpha never seems happy with her actions. Ethan is an extra bossy beta. The Faes, vampires and witches are no longer allies and the magic she holds or doesn’t is like a yo-yo. Ethan runs so hot and cold it makes me wonder whether she should pack a bag and go find that uncle in Canada. Family is not a good concept in this series and the bond she has with the vampire she “saved” is unstable. If you are looking for romance this is not the series. But I am compelled to continue the series.

Well at age 24-25 Skylar has honed herself into a badazz, she can fight, she has reconciled with her wolf and has tried to remain true to her sense of humanity and what is right and wrong. The pack still treats her like a problem child. Josh and the magic is a shaky situation. Ethan continues to run hot and cold and never gives her the full story about anything. Sebastian is dominating as always. Being kidnapped, Sky has figured out a way to save herself as much as possible and keeps an eye on her vampire friend. The vampires, witches, and dark elves get on my last nerve but I am compelled to move on to the next in the series.