I actually listened to this one twice. First time, I was distracted, so I didn’t really get to notice how bad this one was. I guess I was distracted by all the pretty noises, the overused drum track and the other noises.

Before I year this a new asshole, I have to point out that the supporting characters were actually fantastic with their own personalities and I found myself caring for them more than the main character.

Now, lets talk about the overloaded MC.

First, a CEO; ok, so that’s a trope to make the reader believe he is smart without actually having to prove it. Got it.

Second, he likes wine and cheese: which in our society somehow conveys sophistication? Got it…

Third, he somehow accidentally was the only person to stumble upon a cheat in the system. Ok?

Alright, so we have smart, sophisticated and lucky. Got it.

Then we go through the rest of the book and not only are those three traits completely ignored, the main character actually conveys opposite characteristics than those he was supposedly created to embody. Ugg.

This book was trying to be too many things at once. It was trying to be a love story, a tragedy a lit rog and a fantasy/sifi all smashed into one, yet it failed miserably at them all. It actually had terrible game mechanics that were built upon not so we’ll thought out world progression, with trope mechanics that were only meant to scare the reader into thinking the main character was about to lose it all if he died.

Then there is the ending… Talk about an anti clamactic ending. Without spoiling it for those who.might be interested after all this, the ending resolution is explained away by his main love interest, for the most retarded of reasons. Basically, the main bad guy is a bad guy in IRL and his actions in and out of the game would land him in some serious shit, yet like true Asian anime style, lets just pretend it didn’t happen and it will go away…

Yep, this is truly a trash story that could have been better if the writer had cared about the book. The writer knows nothing of gamers to think that people who played a game for eight years would not know every in and out of every quest line, event and character in a game. It’s an insult to people who actually play games and I am surprised people are eating this so highly because it has sound effects.

Fucking melinnials!