At first I didn’t know if I was really going to get into this book since I am past school and the games. I thought it was going to be like other books out there. Boy was I wrong! This drew me in so fast and hard. I love Ocean and her take no shit attitude. She completely showed that she could hold her ground with all the boys. The boys from Breakers Flats I see them like the boys I used to hang out with. Nothing buy love for Ocean and wanting to protect her, but she wanted to prove herself. Then Bellvue Springs she gave them hell as they were trying to break her. I loved Milo! We all need a best friend like him. I liked that Nic did try to protect her, but I think it will push Ocean away. I love how Ocean and Colton walked around each other almost through the book and when the finally are almost together shit hits the fan! I honestly can’t wait for the next book. The narrator does a fantastic job and it seriously pulled me I couldn’t stop listen!