- What disappointed you about Uncertain World?
- After reading the first book and being disappointed in the lack of food for thought after an EMP and the endless, pointless talk about sex. I was hoping the author spent some time in his bathroom and got that out of his system …. maybe in this one he would some real food for thought….. I was even more disappointed at the “Hollywood” ideas in this book. Any average person who takes 5 minutes to think about what an EMP would do to a country probably get more lessons on how to prepare than in this book.
I personally do not like when prepper authors go on wild tangents of “what if” and “wild eyed possibilities”. People in the realistic world deal with probabilities, not possibilities. Lets face it, theoretically anything is possible. It’s possible you will be eaten by a dinosaur, it’s possible that you have a forgotten rich dying uncle with an underwater house filled with gold that he desperately wants to give you if only he can find you, and it’s possible that are not reading this review at all, you could have been abducted by aliens and put into a matrix like simulation, the list goes on forever.
*spoiler alert*
In this story line the bad guy on trial for murder escaped last book and ran away to Texas. The main character also ran to Texas to find his daughter involved in a plane crash. The Bad guy literally takes over the town and sheriff’s department INCLUDING DEPUTIES by shooting the sheriff in the back and when the deputies barricade themselves in a back room he gets them to come out by shooting a mother and then threatening to shoot the dead woman’s daughter. Then when the deputies come out the bad guy starts giving orders and the deputies become his followers because the bad guy will now “butter their bread” plus the deputies are afraid of him.
Now a 100% guarantee that there are people who believe this storyline is not only possible but probable. These people already have ridiculous ideas in their mind about law enforcement that no amount of evidence will ever change, so it’s pointless to argue with them. Unfortunately when I was much younger I was a conspiracy theorist- I had no real world facts or experience I would have believed this to.
Now that I don’t live in the land of make believe, I study real cases of how officers are turned. I even teach new officers on the subject, and teach how not to get turned. Real people go “shields up” when they find someone quickly threatening and especially when the bad guy harms someone or threatens them. A person who comes in quickly and starts threatening might get compliance temporarily, but the compliant party will turn on them when given the chance.
Real people take time to turn. Real people take time, it takes a certain amount of finesse for them to be convenced eventually to switch sides. Real life is not a ridiculous Hollywood movie, shoot a sheriff, shoot a mother, and then people instantly switch over from good guy to bad guy and let you control them even when you are not watching them, real life simply doesn’t work that way. There is so many things wrong with this ridiculous scenario, no one who studies this subject would ever give this author any credibility. In real life the officers would wait until they got their guns back, waited for the bad guy to turn his back or go to sleep. This scenario would ONLY be believed by inexperienced people who like to talk every “what if” and ‘possibilities”…. Those people should prepare for a dinosaur invasion, because that is possible too….
The bad guy who is supposed to be smart also puts lone individuals on the country road to collect tolls (such as horses the locals are riding). The bad guy tells the toll collectors that country folk are pushovers and they will all pay the tolls. This is an obvious attempt by the author to get all the country people inflamed at the bad guy. Oh yes, city folk are rough and tough behind their cubicles, and all the country fold who work the land, hunt, and fish, yes- they are the weak pushovers… Really??
Then the bad guy claims the only person who can stop him is the out of town lawyer… REALLY????? So in a whole town full of country people, the only person with a hunting rifle who has the hunting patience to wait for a distance shot at the bad guy, is the main character?…. Wow… no Hollywood ideas here….
People like stories they can relate to, usually authors like to write about subjects that they have personal experience with. After hearing this author I am quite convinced he is no lawyer, and if he was ever a medic he needs to learn more skills. His books are not too enlightening, If you want a good EMP book- lights out. If you want good general prepper lessons, most of JW Rawles Books.
Review from Uncertain World →