i just finished the third book, and here’s my review of the whole series. This applies to the first book as well as the latter ones. I don’t understand how everyone loves this series so much. The main character, Carl, is a horrible, annoying ass, who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He’s selfish when he should be compassionate, he’s selfless when he should be worrying about himself.

The man is a punching bag in every sense is the word. His allies dismiss him altogether and lead him around by the nose. His enemies have the upper hand at all times and the only thing that allows him to survive or win battles is plot armor. He has no plans, strategies or long team goals. He says he hates drama in the first chapter of the book, then he proceeds to foment it at every turn. He doesn’t change a single bit in the entire first 3 books, and I don’t expect him to.

I truly, TRULY hate the main character. He’s the worst part about the book.

Donut is super annoying at first, but she does progress a little (unlike Carl). The author likes to point out (through Carl) how much she’s changed, but its way overstated. The way he writes her hasn’t changed at all. The only real progress she has made is occasionally making slightly less selfish decisions. Other than that it’s the same jokes over and over.

That’s another thing. This is supposed to be a funny book, but I don’t think I’ve laughed out loud even one time the entire time reading it. maybe my humor just isn’t compatible with the authors or maybe I’m just jaded, but I don’t find the book funny.

I just am not into the characters getting shit on repeatedly with no major victories. There’s is little difference from one floor to the next, with only minor victories, and the author even takes those away from you by depriving the characters of their loot and XP every opportunity he has, especially after a victory. I get no satisfaction from this book.

So if you’ve read my review to this point, you’re undoubtedly thinking, why the F$%& has this guy read three full books if he hates this series so much? I honestly don’t know. Maybe it’s because despite, hating the characters and the plot, the world is still fairly original and inventive. Maybe it’s Jeff Hays stellar voice acting, maybe it’s because despite it’s shortcomings, this series is still better than most other GameLit novels. I don’t know.

I’ve considered dropping this infuriating series several times, but there’s something about it that has me wanting to find out what happens. YMMV if you don’t mind all the things I’ve hated. That is all.