I don’t understand the whole book is so bad, and then someone actually put it with Blood Song bad. There is no way it went that far down hill. I still don’t like the author for that book. LOL. Anyways lets I will go over the bad and the good:
BAD: most of this book is about Zach. I do not like that at all. nobody truly likes Zach. He is a hypocrite. IF I LOVE YOU THEN JUSTICE DOESN’T MATTER. But lets live for justice always! I want to like him, but I just cannot. Not only that, His government is what caused Ryun to act up. So yes it is kind of his fault. Zach really doesn’t care about his connections in the new world all of a sudden especially bc they are not as serious about getting stronger like he is, but isn’t that the same thing Ryun was trying to tell them on Earth? Then bc they didn’t want to get stronger he really didn’t care they died. that is double minded for sure.
Another part is they kept bringing up other characters. thank God it wasn’t for a long time, but they did bring new characters. Not enough Ryun
GOOD: everything Ryun is good. He gives his word and tries to live by that word. He is smart and also gets revenge. He finds ways to win. The new characters do not have long parts. 🙂 Nyrah is stronger than her super faithful sister now. I didn’t like Nyrah at first bc she seemed bitter, but now she opens up and we find out what is really going on and she gets rewarded. Ryun is still a beast. He does level kind of fast, but that is ok. He is very serious about getting stronger at the end of the book. I enjoyed the book for sure. There is. more, but I can’t give you to many spoilers.
Don’t listen to them about the Blood Song comment because there is no book that goes down hill faster than that one. “chuckle”