Lit, the second book in the Alt Apocalypse series by Tom Abrahams throws some of the same characters into a totally new situation.  What I like the most about the series as a whole so far is that you find new heroes and new favorites in each and every book. 

When watching the wildfires this year in California and other regions – I often wondered why fire wasn’t as often covered in post-apocalyptic books. I’ve read a few where it was just one of the problems – but none where it was the main issue that people were dealing with. Whether it came from a bomb or just from an errant campfire it is definitely something that threatens human life and can make living terribly difficult.

There’s something about the familiarity with a character that makes curveballs so hard to see coming.  Someone who was strong in book one might not be able to cope in book two. A fire might totally destroy a stockpile where an EMP would have no effect on it.  I just love that about these books.  I feel like Abrahams is onto something here and I hope that a whole new group of people read these and get interested in the Post-Apocalyptic genre.

Lit itself was something that I could not put down. I voraciously read it over a 24 hour period – only stopping to sleep and work.  I started it the night it was released and finished it later the next day before I went to bed (yes, I stayed up to finish it).

The way that the first was written about made it so believable.  The characters (selfish and selfless ones, I won’t call anyone out specifically) mostly did what you would expect but Abrahams wrote it in such a way that it still made me emotional when bad things happened.

I didn’t wanna point any one person or group out – but the way that Abrahams wrote about the wildfire firefighters in Lit made me proud to support his work.  He knows that these brave men and women go out there and literally jump into the fire to try and save others.  He wrote about them in such a way that you felt like you knew them but also felt relieved they were on your side. 

The worst part about this book is that I want to read the other ones even more.  When I finished the first book, I knew it was good and I knew that I enjoyed it.  But now that I know how the series is with two books out – I cannot wait for Torrent to come out.  Water is the most destructive force on the planet.  I can’t wait to see how that one works out. 

Overall, I loved the one.  It pulled me in from the opening scene (a fire surrounding a campsite) to the very last scene (I won’t mention what happened, but I literally sighed relief like it was a real thing). We are in for something amazing with this series. I requested a copy of this book – it has not affected my review in any way.