I have shivers through most of this and in the ebst way possible. Hot and intense romance with amazing descriptions of the more…intense…scenes. There were parts I literally hard to laugh out laugh, some were I couldn’t help but smile a happy warm smile (who knew a threesome couple could be see warm and inviting and safe feeling??) and there were a few scenes that brought tears to my eyes. so many emotions in the story… I love, absolutely love how the story in this book was basically stand alone, so no confusion, and the characters…I am at a loss for words. this was not what i was expecting, it was ten times better. I normally remove stories after reading them, but not this one. I’ll be listening to it again! the narrator was awesome as well, but I didn’t like his Georgian accent for the female lead. It gets better as he goes though, so stick with it. it will be frustrating at the very beginning but stick. with. it. I promise, this book is worth it. I finished it in less than a day, most of it within a single sitting because I was so hooked. Please, please read this. its so worth it.