Here I was thinking that I wouldn’t hear the words “bigot” and “homophobia” in a fantasy book about a homicidal, mass murdering mimic that occasionally “assaults if you know what I mean” its minions/slaves. Didn’t mind the Kira character until the book started adding “boohoo I’m gay and not accepted in society” crap. Feel free to label me with the words in my first sentence, but this crap IRL is annoying enough and I certainly don’t like paying to hear about it in my escapism. This was only a small part in this book and then it got back to what the first 3 books were, yet I started book 5 and sure enough this exact same PC crap is still present. I’m going to grit and bear book 5, but this is absolutely it for me. Anymore California rainbow power crap and I’m done with this series completely.

Jeff and Annie are great as narrators as always though.