Ugh. Rating this one is difficult. I didn’t not like it by any means. It definitely hooked me and I had to keep listening. However, I didn’t love it either. Or at least i don’t think i did? Some parts were slow and monotonous but I couldn’t skip because i didn’t want to miss anything. All of the slow parts became necessary as the story unfolded so I’m glad I didn’t. It was well written but I did guess the “twist” quite early on so it wasn’t really an edge of your seat ride for me. I simultaneously felt empathy for and was seriously annoyed by every character in the book except Mimi. I also disliked and then liked every character in the book (except Mimi. You can’t hate her). I was rolling my eyes at some absurdity but then rationalizing it and really thinking about the possibilities at the same time. It has a great/perfect ending but I still somehow felt wronged. Maybe I expected more intensity? Less internal monologue going over every minor detail and more action? I wish I could put my finger on what I seem to feel was lacking if it’s actually anything at all. Anyway, it certainly evoked emotion and made me think. Obvious from this review, it ended with me very confused but not about the story itself, just about my reaction to it.

I read another review saying the discord was perhaps with the narrator and maybe that’s the case with me aswell. While she was easy to listen to, maybe her technique and emotional range just didn’t work for me with this one.

Overall, while I have never had so much difficulty reviewing a book, I did enjoy this one. I really really did even if I felt something was missing. I would absolutely recommend especially since I can’t seem to stop thinking about it….
