I want to love these books but the author wrote the main character and some of the supporting cast horribly. The Mc isn’t the hero of the story not even an anti hero he’s actually a morally confused childish villain. He’s constantly making death threats if people don’t comply with his way of doing things (which aren’t well thought out most of the time) and then killing anyone who gets in his way there’s a scene where the Mc is trying to act like a tough guy( extremely cringeworthy) while basically torturing, threatening and then proceeding to murder someone all while judging this man for him being a horrible human being in order for the audience to side with Mc and feel disgust towards the “evil bad guys” the Mc should probably be relatable and have a moral high ground not be a two bit villain POS then his “girlfriend” who’s is totally milking the Mc for everything he has btw watches all the Mc’s “questioning”without batting an eye then becomes offended by the big bad guy but like I said didn’t even shed a tear during “questioning time” if I was ever in that situation (system apocalypse) and found someone like our “glorious” Mc I’d deem him a danger to the public and do everything thing in my power execute him immediately so he couldn’t continue his forms of so called “upright justice” and one last complaint someone said it in another review already but the villains in here suck they don’t even provide a challenge to the Mc anyone and there dog could beat them. Seriously they couldn’t plan their way out of a paper bag let alone cause actual problems for the Mc so far