It’s a good story, and on par with all of the other Awaken Online novels, but for some reason, I have a problem with David Stifel’s narration here. It’s not the writing. It’s how he portrays feeling and emotion. Both Kyle, Julia, and Daniel all sound the exact same, and his narration makes Kyle sound like a whiny child. When Daniel acts like an adolescent, it makes sense, and he even eludes to him coming of age (for lack of a better term), and developing into his character. Kyle however just sounds like a 13 year old, .Likewise, Finn and his enemy sound the exact same, especially during the final battle.

As far as the story: ***SPOILER ALERT*** the ending was predictable, but I understand why. It’s going to tie into everything else. I’m certain in the very end, all players will have to be allied together to beat their various deities, once Travis has written enough books of them fighting each other and they’re tired of being pawns. That being said, during the books where the players will all be fighting each other, I have zero loyalty towards Finn and his team. I can’t cheer for Finn and company because too many of the Fire Elemental teammates are unlikeable due to the narration,, because he’s allied with Alexion who has literally paid goons to murder another player in real life, because his daughter his illegally hacking to get a leg up, and because Finn truly thought he’d get his wife back just like that, no strings attached. The epilogue killed any redeeming qualities Finn may have had. I know….pay any cost for your dead wife’s return, but have a little honor and dignity. I hope Jason and his team crush the pathetic need to be loved by the easily manipulated Alexion, as well as Finn and his band of whiny mages. I’m sure taking a side is exactly what Travis was hoping for, so well done on creating a story that stirs these emotions in me. I’m having a lot of fun in this world and can’t wait for the next one!