As most people know Kevin Pierce does a lot of EMP / survival / preeper readings. As always, he does a very good. Main reason that I purchased the first three books.

As for the story, it has a lot of the elements most of these survival disaster stories, dis-trust of the government, only the prepared will survive, and a total lost of all civility. It reads like a preeper infomercial. The characters are not very good. They try to make things very simple black and white. These guys are just evil, the other guys are all good. Too simple of a plot to keep my attention. Just because there has been a disaster, does not mean all the books are burned and we go back to zero. Do we forget all of science and technology or forget how to read, WTF? It is also covertly racist in several ways in how it refers to certain characters. A lot of survival stories have these ideas like gangs will run the cities with racially stereotypes running the gangs. A lot of ppl in America have weapons, and most are not in gangs. There is no gang that can take a city over even after a disaster. They don’t have the size, numbers or organization to do something like that, it’s just a fear tactic used by racist. Even the way he talks about the Korea characters is ignorant and a stereotype. This series is not worth continuing. Even the preview of the next books or going into hard core government takes over paranoia. These types of stories need to evolve and get some real creativity, still have not found that yet. Sometimes I think that these disaster books are more like wish books so people that think like the author can role the clock back to a time where they feel more empowered.