I don’t think I will have the right words to describe how much I enjoyed this book, but I’m going to try anyway. When I first read The Queer Principles of Kit Webb, I thought that I didn’t much like either main character at first but I fell in love with them as they fell in love with each other. Starting this book, already suspicious of Marian and Rob, I didn’t possibly think it could happen again. I was fully prepared to say it was fine, but I liked the first book more…Oh how I was wrong! I once again was charmed into loving these characters, their romance so raw and sweet and tender and different. Unconventional…the spicy was a bit unconventional too but it was so hot and just unbelievably real. It’s a bit boring when a sex scene feels interchangeable with any other. Following the romance novel formula, so to speak…but this THIS was so specific to the characters and their needs that I didn’t know whether to be turned on or cry from how beautiful it was. Both seem appropriate because it was still damn hot! The first book was m/m and this one is m/f and I read both depending on mood among other things so it was perfect for me that the author approached both with such skill. I didn’t quite realize the Robin Hood connection until I was almost through the book…Rob and Marian is a cute touch. Rob, the criminal, definitely has golden retriever energy and Marian is closer to black cat energy, but I didn’t feel like she was prickly towards him for too long. There really weren’t any moments I found myself growing bored and I chuckled to myself several times. I would read a hundred more books in this setting. Easily.