I am 8 hrs in and don’t see what all the hype is about.

Guy buys his way to a 3 day head start in a new MMO game. He’s not an elite gamer and has proven incompetence IRL and has no friends. Not even clan/guildies from previous games and thinks he’s going to make changes in a new MMO world? Once MC gets in the game he shows he’s not really a good gamer and makes stupid decisions without any thought.

At lvl 5 with 60cp in his pocket he thinks he’s going to build an Inn in a desert town with an entire race trying to kill him. The back and forth between the MC and Frank, his axe, isn’t entertaining or funny. It’s kind of stupid actually. Frank doesn’t add any real help or guidance. Plus he has to protect this magical axe from the entire population of EBO when they come online. In any real online game the MC will have this axe taken from him within 10-12 hours of the game opening to the public.

I just don’t understand all the 5 star reviews and claims of this being one of the best books in this genre. It’s mediocre at best.