There are a few mild spoilers in my review. I really don’t think that I will be reading the rest of this series. The story and world building are good, but the rest is just not. I read another review warning people that are closed minded or prudes not to read this book, but that’s not even the issue. I’m nowhere near either of those things. I read dark fantasy/romance books all of the time. Lots of rh mf mm fm hard core stuff too. I’m 100% ok with dubious consent in books because they are books. This book though, the male leads are raped and tortured by their mates. The female lead is drugged and raped by the alpha also. They do not go into detail like some books do like Haunting Adeline,but it’s very much stated plain as day that it happened. The problem for me is not that the rapes happen, it’s that it’s obvious that this mate circle is meant to be together and they will stay together. There just isn’t any coming back from this for me. I’ve never written such a negative review and I’ve read 98 books so far this year in this genre but I just can’t with this. I’m normally ok with some dark s**t in my books and this book really is pretty light and vanilla when it comes to steam, but I just don’t like it. The narrators were good.