When I saw that the fourth book in this series was available, I got absolutely giddy. Hardman and Hump ride again!!!!

As the title says, this whodunnit involves street walkers. That part of it was a tad unpleasant but the story was never too graphic. We got glimpses into the destructive mindset and that was the catalyst to all the fun Hardman and Hump had tracking down the bad guys. I liked that Art, the trusted cop friend, was along for more of the fun this time. (Which helped since both Hardman and Hump took some physical abuse.).

When it was all said and done, the good guys remained triumphant (albeit bruised and battered.)

Shawn Compton is the perfect narrator for this series. Hardman is a slightly overweight ex-cop. Hump is a very large former NFL football player. Both of them were well-narrated.

I didn’t look to see if there was a book five. I didn’t want to be disappointed. Fingers crossed.