You spend the entire book waiting for the moment that the MC gets any sort of power to defend himself and instead, get to listen to hour after hour of him bowing to people who wronged him, or getting saved by someone else. As soon as that boy took his cultivation materials he should have snuck into his room and slit his throat. He wasn’t staying there long anyway. He is too much of a Mary Sue to do what needs doing and kill people who need killing. I don’t necessarily want an OP MC, but at some point the whole “I’m too weak compared to literally everyone around me” gets really old. The rate he is progressing, it will be the forth book before he can defend himself against a basic iron ranker without some sort of trap, trick, acting like a pussy to get out of it, or having someone save him. The damn divine immortal that resurected him should have at least fixed his core so he had a dhot in hell of being useful. The whole book was one big “this guy can kill me for no reason, might as well bow down and treat the beating he gave me as if it never happened like the bitch I am.”