I started out with book one as a suggestion from a friend. honestly, even as a former gamer, I wasn’t super interested. But oh my god, I was laughing my butt off in book one and it’s continued all the way through this one!

There were some really good laugh out loud moments. I love how the characters interact, I love the clever ways of solving problems. We get a little more meat in the story with the interfaction wars, something is brewing! So it’s like there’s problems inside and outside of the dungeon.

I don’t think I would buy these in a physical copy because the narrators are just so damn good. They ARE Carl, Donut, the “New achievement” voice, etc.

This was my least favorite of the first three books, but only slightly. I really wish I had a map in front of me so I can understand more of where the characters were going or what the train lines look like. I had trouble keeping up where people were distributed. The end was satisfying and fun, but for me it would have been over the top if I had a better idea of what it looked like in that area/ station/ part of the train.

Other than that, I can’t complain. On to the book four!