These books (listened to the first two but couldn’t bring myself to start the third) are just so… shallow. like written by a child almost. There is just zero depth to the characters, plot, world, magic/ cultivation system, or even the world-ending villains.

I would say I love cultivation books but so far I’ve only truly enjoyed two: The Cradle series and the He Who Fights With Monsters books. I’ve tried A Thousand Li and Beginning After The End but both fell flat for me.

This series is very similar to The Beginning After The End books but I liked these books even less. I at least made it through all of those.

I promise I’m not a cynic or pessimist, I just feel unfulfilled after finishing the second book.

Here’s what I don’t like (potential spoilers):

1. The entire plot is super weak and the MC isn’t very likeable, heroic, brave, clever, or even helpful.
2. Cultivation levels don’t mean diddly. With extremely mild preparations, the MC can beat nearly anyone with very little effort regardless of how powerful they supposedly are.
3. Nobody is as clever as the MC. Nobody can be a threat, everyone gets beaten, he’s always two steps ahead, everyone just does what he says and ignores the fact that a 12 year old knows way too much… on and on. It’s like an actual 12 year old that gets bullied a lot wrote this MC.
4. The universe-ending demons are dumb and weak. They aren’t scary, they aren’t clever, and they can be brought down by children. Why are the “gods” so afraid of them?
5. The world building is non existent. Literally zero other cultures, languages, religions, etc.
6. The humor is simply the author laughing at his own jokes. The quips and threats are one step above “I know you are but what am I?” levels.

I could continue, but honestly I have wasted enough time on these books. I didn’t hate them, but they are not good in my opinion. Maybe a preteen would find them enjoyable but compared to other great works, it’s just not worth the time/ money to read these.

I dove in because of the many positive reviews. I am not trying to beat a dead horse here but if you rely heavily on reviews to help pick your next reads like I do…. hopefully this review will save you some time and disappointment.