I am speechless by both the story writing of J.S. Morin, and the narration style of Mikael Naramore. Morin was able to craft this futuristic space Sci-Fi novel that has the ability to completely draw you into it, and has you wanting to be emotionally invested in the characters. Naramore took it a step further by bringing the characters of Galaxy Outlaws to life, making sure to add a piece of himself into each character. Even trying to write this review, I am having trouble putting my thoughts to words because I can’t believe it’s over. So I will say this, it does not feel like an 85 hour book. It instead feels like the series went by too quickly, and all the while taking me on an emotional roller coaster as I followed the events of this rag-tag group of misfits. Morin said that when he set-out to write these books he wanted this to be the spiritual successor to Firefly and I believe he accomplished what he set out to do.

If you’re on the fence about spending the one credit to buy this audio book, jump off the fence and go by the series. By spending 1 credit, you get the entire Galaxy outlaws series…which is a steal!