I have listened to all of the solar clipper tales and stories. every time I reach the end of one and there are no more I feel like something is missing.

I don’t know exactly what it is about these stories that I absolutely love so much. The only thing I can think of is the simplicity of the story. It isn’t an infinitely grand story or all encompassing. the way Nathan Lowell emphasizes some of the more simplistic actions of life, the making of tea, brushing sand off a stick, describing the act of thinking. it is all just simple and honestly mundane, but, they are all simply things about being alive. I think we all make our lives way more complicated than it really needs to be. these stories emphasize what it is like to be an individual, a larger community and world.

I will continue to listen to any book. Mr. Lowell writes in this world. I recommend everyone at least attempt these books one time.