Being bipolar myself, this story really resonated with me. Though I did get a few chuckles out of it, there were times I was just sobbing. It’s not an easy listen. Despite that, I loved this story because it didn’t whitewash anything. Severe mental illness is a challenge for so many people. I hope Broken will let people truly understand who haven’t been around it before. I can totally identify with James’s statements about being a good liar and a good actor who can hide his feelings of depression from everyone.
I really loved and adored both James and Theo. I loved how Theo really stood by James and supported him in getting better. I also liked the supporting characters. Well, maybe except for Mike. ?
I haven’t read this book myself yet, just listened to it. I rave about Joel Leslie every time I listen to a book he’s narrated. This one though. OMG. the depth of emotion he is able to express just with his voice blows me away. I can’t just give him 5 stars for this one. I also need to add in the sun and the moon. And maybe even the whole galaxy. I don’t know how he managed to get through this book and remain in such good control.
Without a doubt, this book will go right into my top 10 of all time.