Anyone who refers to Joel Leslie as a narrator grossly understates what he does with a story. He doesn’t simply recite the words on the pages, he performs them. He makes the story come alive with his passion. He sucks you into the story and brings forth every emotion of every character on the pages. And this series is filled with emotion that only Joel Leslie can radiate.

This series is now and always will be one of my absolute favorite stories. Travis and Charlie are just so…everything. I do love Travis…his stubbornness, his passion, his humor, his intelligence, his dedication to the homestead and to Charlie. But there is absolutely something about Charlie that makes him my favorite. He seems so vulnerable, while exuding confidence. He has been so hurt and just needs love but when he gets it he doesn’t know what to do with it. He shows everyone his strength while hiding what a soft, kind-hearted man he is to everyone except Travis. The times when they are alone are some of the sweetest. I love the foot hooking and nose rubbing and just plain staring into each other’s eyes. These two melt my heart.

If you haven’t read or listened to this series, you absolutely must! You won’t regret it!