I don’t know why I gave this series/author another chance but.. I should probably have just passed on this one.
Giving a third chance is probably one to many. This was the third strike.
Just to much wrong headed irrational emo. Character behaviour turns to gobbledygook. I would consider all but the characters I would classify as cardboard cutouts, to variously be in need of short to fulltime enrollment at a psychiatric facility if the ppl in question where real.
– Overall, Half performance half Story..
– Performance, not the best from Soundbooth. Caught a few mistakes and thought some of the character performance could have been better. 3.5 Star rating. upping it to four because..
– Story, I just can not give it more then 1/5. A 2/5 would be the ‘It’s okay’ rating and it just is not OK. Sorry.
Review from Darkness Fallen →