I loved three-quarters of this story. The humor, how wonderful a couple Felix and Lane are…I just love how perfect they are for each other where their strengths and weaknesses are completely complementary and their snark is unmatched.

Joel Leslie does a fantastic job narrating with great character voices, plenty of emotion, and a way of bringing the humor out and polishing it up brilliantly like a diamond for our listening pleasure.

Now, have I mentioned how much of a wuss I am? I am a big old scaredy cat. I don’t like horror, I don’t like to be scared or frightened or panicked or terrorized…I think you’re getting the picture.

Unfortunately, I pretty much hated the last 6 chapters (not including the terrific epilogue), but that’s because of the aforementioned dislike of being scared. And Felix is put through some pretty scary situations at that point. I hate any kind of “let’s play a game” torture porn movies/books. It creeps me out in a totally anxious way that isn’t even slightly pleasurable. I think if you enjoy that sort of thing, you’ll probably absolutely love all of this.

Single POV, plenty of wonderful, snarky, sarcastic humor, and lots of suspense with a Jigsaw-level creepy bad guy, some action, and a happy ending. The awesome narration for this series by Joel Leslie makes these stories such a pleasure to listen to. I absolutely recommend you definitely check it out in audio for the best experience.

I certainly hope Alice Winters continues to pen adventures for Felix and Lane, but hopefully it’ll be less scary (for us wimpy wimps) next time.