Okay, the humor and off-language isn’t my cup of tea. But I listened through to the end. Why? Well, the story in itself was solid. Well thought out and pulled the listener/reader in. I made the decision to let the storytellers do their jobs, and I wasn’t disappointed. Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa kept to the true spirit of the story. It did take a dozen chapters for me to get used to the dual narration. Costa speaks a little faster than Kafer, but eventually everything worked out in my head.

The author promised action, laughs and murder and he delivered. M.K. Gibson’s writing is solid. He creates a believable world filled with Gods, creatures and humans. I have no desire to listen to another in this series due to the language and off-humor, but that’s just a personal choice. If you are a fan of Deadpool, then this author/series is for you.

I requested a free copy of the book. I was not required to leave a favorable review.

Mature content: sex, and harsh language