Agent Prime introduces us to Denman Sno (Agent Prime) a member of the Galactic Fleet’s Special Services Division as he embarks on a mission to deliver Pol Hammon to Fleet Headquarters.

Having listened to Jake Bible’s Roak adventures, the settings and races of the galaxy provide a familiar backdrop. The story-line follows Bible’s familiar formula of action, pace, twists and turns.

Whilst this story provides us with the fast paced action we have come to expect, Denman Sno offers us a character with flaws.He isn’t gung ho, like Roak, he makes mistakes and he misjudges people. After all, he is human.

If I am completely honest, the ending left me unfulfilled. I realise Bible is probably leaving the door open for a sequel, but I was hoping for a more conclusive end.

Nevertheless, the collaboration of Jake Bible and Andrew Wehrlen is another winner and well worth the listen.

My thanks to the author/narrator for providing me a copy of this book, free of charge, in return for an unbiased review.