I had to rehydrate because of all the tears shed experiencing this book.

Listened to on Audible and so glad i did.

The has to be the best narration I have ever experienced. I couldn’t imagine any other narrator being able to pull of reading such powerful writing.

I had this book on my backlog for a while and went into this blind because I admittedly forgot I bought it. Wow did I not see the turn this book made.

I thought this was going to be erotic and sexy book to fall asleep to.

Here I am awake at 2am writing this review.

This book was refreshing after I finished it.

It approached relatable concerns that a lot of people can relate to or have memories of.

It was really refreshing to hear such good writing that so accurately characterized what it’s kinda like to deal with these issues.

This was a traumatic book to experience, but.. In a good way? I know it’s hard to understand but if you’ve ever experienced any of the number of topics this book touches on then i think anyone would find it refreshing to experience this story and see how their trauma plays out.

Its late, and I’m tired and I’m emotionally exhausted. I’ll fix this review in the morning when I have time but I’m going to bed.


OK I’m awake refreshed and can clean up this review and a bit.

So this book really took a number out of me emotionally.

It was a rough read mostly because it touches on topics that just kinda are shameful, embarrassing and incredibly personal. Listening to this writing felt exposing by showing this side of mental illness.

This was not a fun book to experience but was rewarding to get some of the ideal situations played out because a lot of people don’t survive this or have a support structure to live comfortably with these issues.

I cared about these characters and just so amazed that the writing was really able to slowly get you attached before throwing you into a Rollercoaster of emotions.

Best book I’ve ever experienced.