I liked the first 3/4 of the book maybe some parts more then the earlier books. But I don’t know if I can keep reading knowing what the author did at the end.


We know a lot about skills and what their effect on people are. Sigmund LITERALLY CANNOT SPEAK due to it. Zenker (the best skill user) held off on hit tier 8 and 9 skills so he could bind the right parts of himself. Ryun couldn’t use his tier 6 skill until he got his memories back. This all leads me to what Zach did at the end.

We can see him make 2 tier 9 and a plethora of tier 6+ during the fight. From what we know from Sigmund and Ryuns experience and Zach’s current mindset he did not bind any of those skills to his old memories from earth or his time before his 1000’s of years in the mind space as he does not know if they are real and as we know you must know yourself to bind them to anything and even if he did use those memories he would loose their use as he doesn’t fully remember them.

Given all that Zach must remain insane. He bound such power skills to himself using his will alone to raise them in a state of mind that is not optimal. If Zach even gains a modicum of sanity that is not directly related to Naha as he still held on to her throughout his time then it’s just the author giving Zach power with no downsides or work. We see others gain power fast but it still takes time. But to go from Zach’s power to being as strong as Titan rankers in a snap, that is not how this world works. He should be crippled, insane, and start to act like the eternal cultivator we saw in the fruit memory. But I know already that the author won’t do that to the other big MC so I can’t continue. So sad as I was starting to like Zach’s chapters and seeing him catch up to Ryun.