Liked the premise of retired military man prepping for the unexpected and the flashbacks to his former life. Good scene re the hypocritical, self righteous church woman knowingly infecting the Battle family. Disliked the slander that God is responsible for children dying – instead of the consequences of Adamic sin and human folly. Did like the scriptures being quoted. Good idea Battle’s naming his weapons. Eve, first woman, and Battle’s wife, Sylvia, disobeyed their husbands with disastrous results. Showed the importance of enforced quarantine during a plague and manners irrelevant in life or death scenario. Information on Battle’s prepping very good. Listened to whole story and will probably re-listen to the first half of the book. Not interested in the fighting part and will not listen to the rest of the series, which I think will just emphasize fighting. Rambo mentality – guys might like it for fantasy, but unrealistic.

Would like the author to depict end of world scenario worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than the Black Death, worse than World Wars I and II.