I have devoured some of the greats, Sanderson, Martin, Tad, Abercrombie, Hobb, Rothfuss, the list could go on and on. I love authors that craft complex beautiful worlds that draw you into their every nook and cranny. That being said sometimes it’s nice to step back for a Second and appriciate things on a smaller more contained scale. About a year ago a good friend of mine introduced me to the universe of the self published author. that Journey started with Kong’s “Chaos Seeds” and brought me all the way to “Cradle”. Rewind back to mid June, I belive that week I had capped off both Week’s “lightbringer” series, and finished the next entry in Mancore’s “Spellmonger”. I was between credits and Noticed “Unsouled”, price was right and I had to mow the lawn so one thing led to another. I’ll have to admit at first the book didn’t catch me, I didn’t know what to think about Baldree’s narration and Lindon was giving me hard “Kipp” vibes (Lightbringer). So the Audio sat collecting virtual dust like DROSS in a Dream Water well. Fast-forward to last week, the week prior I had digested, to current, the “Beginning After the End” series, another Baldree Narration. looking through similar reads “Unsouled” reared it’s head….. the binge is real. “Wintersteel” To date I believe this is the longest in the series at 14hrs, and it uses everyone of them in brilliant fashion. The Action is superb and at a breakneck pace, similar to a Kade’s KDT series or even the 1st half of Brown’s “Dark Age”. The quality of writing, and the authors voice have only improved with every book, and Travis Baldree.. the mans voice is phenomenal. Out of the hundreds of narriators I’ve had the pleasure of listening to, no one has the range of Baldree, male, female, accented, high class proformences. If you have been along for the ride so far, this entry only adds fuel to the fire.