Cat Sebastian makes 20th century queer romance into an artform. A worthy sequel to We Could Be So Good in which characters find themselves and healing through relationship. This time, the main development occurs in a character with grief, and as someone who has loved and lost, it really struck me. This is a rich story that I had no qualm recommending to some of my biggest literary snob friends. There’s no surprise twist or shock, but I still couldn’t put it down. The little moments become such a vehicle for emotional development. She just has a way with writing romance that elevates the genre. This book in particular has an impressive depiction of baseball in the 60s that creates a rich texture.

Joel Leslie is a blast to listen to. There are so many great accents and voices – it’s pretty remarkable. You can’t mistake a single character from others, for one, and the different New York actions are pretty hilarious at times (in a great way). It’s so perfect for NYC in the 60s in a baseball setting. Beyond the humor, he reads with emotional power. I read and listened at the same time (a rarity for me) because I was so engrossed in both the narration and the writing.