Jim, Gary and Randy are all home again, but nothing is as they imagined. Jim immediately had to dispose of Charlie Rakes to free his family from the terror they had been living under. Once that was completed he could finally relax a little. Gary in his home of Richmond Virginia was equally dismayed. His family was under attack as well. Wannabe gangster locals wearing all black and skull masks have been raiding and threatening his homestead. It’s enough to make Gary want to leave. Co-workers Alice and Rebecca who went to the FEMA camp did not fare well at all. In their escape from the camp Rebecca was killed by a man she trusted to help them. Alice tried to get home on her own only to find herself chained up in the same man’s basement expecting the same fate as her friend. Alice will have to toughen up to get out of this predicament. Meanwhile, Jim makes plans to invite his friends to his neighborhood for safety and security. Great story, I look forward to more in this series.
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