What. A. Rush.

Emotionally. Physically. And especially steamily.

Lexi is back with another addition of her ever famous Midnight Fae Academy series, and let me tell you, she is coming in swinging to dominate the Why Choose and Academy scenes. We have heartbreak. Raunchy heroes. Twists, turns, and surprises. And who could actually get enough of the ever creative and dynamically opposed males who all just seem to work together?

Truly, one of Lexi’s greatest strengths in the Why Choose scene is her dynamic males – each one is different, but it somehow works. Each makes sense individually and as a group, with our heroine having obvious chemistry with each one individually. It’s astounding how the dynamic just fits together, and each character is a perfect match for her.

And let’s talk about the voice acting. This is some of the best. We have not one or two voices here, but a whole suite of actors bringing the characters to life! It helps to really separate out each voice, and give each character their own moment, and truly creates and immersive experience. Well done folks – another huge winner for Sarah, Kale and the rest of the team!

Big 5/5 here from me. If you want drama, action, and an actual plot along with your…ahem…steamy RH madness, this is a series to pick up. Truly, it’s quite the adventure.

**I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review. The opinions here are my own.