What a great listen!!! Eden O’Neill has such an amazing skill! This story is so real and heart wrenching that I couldn’t stop listening! December’s sister was reported dead at the end of Book 1… and this carries in from there. The authorities made her death out to be some tragic accident, but was it really??
December runs. Alone and homeless in an unfamiliar state, she meets Ramses and he helps her. Until knee night she is attacked and one of the “court” members rescued her. This sets in motion a number of happenings and revelations that you’ll never guess!!! I was at work when I finished this… and I literally gasped…. now everyone wants to know what’s wrong.
When does Book 3 come out!!! I need this now please!
Kasi Hallowell and Gregory Salinas are perfect for these characters!! I love their voices!
#TheFlock #PinkFlamingoProductions