An awesome read except that I had an extremely hard time when the boyfriend of Seth’s brother-after he was brutally killed while in the military, was in love with his fiance’s brother?????

I consider myself to be an open mind person, but that totally blew me away. How could that happen????? How could that be?????

I love this book better than book one. The love they have for one another was as real as it could be…but …still-that could have been his brother-in-law if he didn’t die????

What the What???? I’m still twisted about that scenario. WTS…A Must Read while one might not be able to shake that thought out if one’s mind.

That would be like if my sister died, I would fall in love with my brother-in-law and be with him physically, emotionally, sexually, and ect….Yeah…I know that would NEVER happen.