Incredible story of the planned assassination of one of Hitler’s favorite murderers. I was curious about this aspect of Czech history since I had had two German teachers who had come from the Sudetenland during WW II Czechoslovakia, and their story didn’t match with the survival of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis, and I wanted to learn more.

This is a story of men & women who gave their lives for their country against brutal Nazi oppression and odds. The use of the German Secret State Police (Gestapo) to hunt down, punish, torture, and kill Czech citizens was a living nightmare. And Heydrich was the beast and prime mover behind it all.

The greater evil that is documented in this story is the mass execution of the men and boys of the Czech village of Lidice and the complete annihilation of the town and the sending away of the women and girls to concentration camps as a reprisal for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.

One of my German teacher’s husband served in the German army against his own country. And my other teacher’s father & two brothers also served in the German army against Czechoslovakia. Both teachers considered Hitler a savior for the German Czechs even years after the war and were proud to have been in the Nazi party.

This story brings out the true story of suffering and survival from an enemy from within and from without.