The voice actor was awesome(Travis B), top 10 best 8 have listened to.

The story was maddening. I kept vacillating between really enjoying it, and hating it. Some spoilers from here on.

Some decisions the two MC’s made were just beyond tunnel vision. An example would be the buff the alpha wolf gave the male MC. Despite it being the only reason he survives earlier in the story–he never asks for it again, and the alpha doesn’t use it again.

Some things were just wierd like a female alpha wolf…go feminism I guess? Doesn’t surprise the scientist at all despite it being the exact opposite in the real world, in every book I’ve ever read, etc. So amazonian wolf people I guess? Felt like a forced nod to the liberals who get great joy in re-casting any and all roles that are remotely thought of as “male” as females instead. And she was some kind of religious leader too…but like I said that part of her was never spoken of again.

The male MC was written as effeminately as possible, not really relatable at all and many traits weren’t super logical–like being completly grossed out by dissection, morally opposed to harming anything, but still totally becoming the top biologist in his college. It was like an environmentalists fantasy of what they would be like if they were a scientist. When the MC said that science isn’t just about facts it’s about how you feel I almost stopped reading the story.

Having said all that, when the author wasn’t off in the weeds the story was decent and I’m gonna check out the second book before I write off the series. Some authors make huge leaps in their writing between books and this could be a decent story if the author wasn’t causing the 2 MC’s to do so much illogical or outright stupid stuff.