I struggle to recall listening or reading to a story that had so little faith in its audience to remember anything. Im sure we needed to be reminded 3 times that the huntress was a descendant of the greatest werewolf, and a flashback with him, and another few reminders of how oddly werewolf like she is. And then when anything is referenced, that had already been previously mentioned, the author still feels a need to spell it out like we hadn’t just heard it before. Frankly it was like they were trying to reach a word limit.

I bet you could hack off a quarter of this book, and little of value would have been lost.

I was impressed with the range of accents of the VA, that I feel deserves plenty of recognition. They did stellar work. I want to impress upon anyone reading this, the VA does a great job, its just they aren’t working with great material.

And just a last bit to add on, the characters here didn’t really see much or any development. There were a lot of good sentiments thrown around, but they didn’t really have much to do with the major events of the plot. Which is weird when you remember this whole story takes place in a labyrinth where anything could happen, so the author could have written scenarios that tested bonds, or reinforced notions of found family. Instead they wrote a bunch of action set pieces, and had throwaway lines that made me go ‘why would any character in this setting say that’