Somewhere towards the middle of this book, there were whole conversations, quite detailed conversations going back and forth between this author and entity, the author was out of his body. Fair enough, but the conversations were at such length and such detail, and such expression that I soon realized it was impossible for the author to remember all of the conversation or even for that matter most of it. They’re simply no way that the conversation that he put in this book was the same one that he had if he actually had it. So not knowing what could be truthful of what he said, and what happened made me stop the book unfinished. I’m a stickler for these things. I simply can’t get into a book anymore if there is doubt about certain aspects like conversation or stories not being true or exaggerated. I simply don’t believe that the conversations in the middle of the book where I listened was authentic as I said there was simply way too much to remember afterwards to be able to get it all down on paper.