Welcome back to the Immortal Curse world – where there’s more twists than a roller coaster and Angels aren’t so heavenly after all.

What an absolute rush! Lexi has done is again, immersing us in a world of darkness that always has the ability to make me laugh. Lexi is clearly a master of her craft, tying in even miniscule plot details from previous books to create what truly feels like a new beginning to the series while wrapping up many loose ends I didn’t even realize weren’t tied in a nice little bow already. Oh, and while we’re at it, why not just completely unravel some very well established truths while we’re at it?

This novel has it all: heartbreak, true love, heroes that will stop at nothing, heroines who dictate the future, and sex that would make even Dionysus blush (*cough* Balthazar *cough*). Not to mention satisfying answers that made me go “oooooooooooooooooooooh”.

Sarah and Kale have absolutely proven themselves again this this audiobook. Kale steals the show with the dynamic transition of characters that he has truly made his own, and Sarah is unapologetically emotional and driven in this production. They have truly proven themselves time and time again as two of the best, and why we need to have both in every Lexi C Foss novel that we can get.

The audiobook brings the novel to life in a way that makes it just that much better. An already amazing story that feels like a swan song to the love of Caro and Sethios, while starting the next chapter of the series; Blood Seeker is made a true production by the glorious character renditions by both Sarah and Kale.

Truly, 5/5 in every single way. Wicked Bonds cannot come soon enough!